
5 steps to add BNB to MetaMask

        There are different popular names in the crypto world, but not all platforms are as famous as Binance. And the platform gained all of this name and fame because of several reasons. In addition, to let you trade crypto assets, it also allows you to run apps that are based on smart contracts with the help of two different chains- Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chains (BSC).  If you have ever used MetaMask, then you might be aware of the fact that you can easily store Ethereum-compatible crypto assets on it such as ERC20. In a similar manner, you can add BNB to MetaMask through the usage of Binance Smart Chain. Why should you  Add BNB to MetaMask ?  There are different benefits that you can derive after connecting BNB to MetaMask. Once you add BNB to MetaMask, here is what you can do: Just like MetaMask gives you access to explore different Decentralized applications, you will get the option to use all the apps based on Binance Smart Chain by add...

How to set up my profile?

Image is a prominent crypto exchange that offers to buy, sell and swap several cryptocurrencies. To do so, you are asked to set up your profile. In case you are looking to start your journey with exchange then you must know ways to create a login account. But in case you are not sure about the account setup and login process then you can do so by visiting the official site. Today this post will brief you about the sign-up and sign-in process of the account. Make sure to install the mobile app to set up your profile on mobile. Way to sign up for account To sign up for a new  Crypto com login  account, you need to do the following: 1. Open the mobile app on your Android or iOS device  2. Navigate yourself to the account setup page 3. Now, you need to fill in the required details 4. Enter the email, name, and password details 5. Check the terms of use box and then click the ‘Next’ but...